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Re: nameForObject()?

On Monday, January 29, 2001, at 08:30 PM, Falko Braeutigam wrote:

> Why do you need this extra reference via the object name? You may simply say: 
> 	public SecondObject getSecondObject() { 
> 		return obj; 
> 	} 
> and setting the obj member to be non-transient of course. 

Because in my product, there are thousands of these objects (maybe you remember that I'm programming a newsreader). I don't want to load them all at once (my own pre-database implementation did this and it took 3 mins to run&quit the application - with only about 100 objects).

> BTW: from inside a database object you should never acces the database via a 
> static variable but via the database() method which all database object classes 
> inherit by OzoneCompatible. 

ok, thanks.


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-- Steve Jobs