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Re: ant in ozone 1.0.1 release

On Thu, 21 Jun 2001, Eric Richardson wrote:
> Hi,
> I was trying to add a chmod task to the build.xml file to change the
> permissions on the script files in bin so ozone will build easier after
> download. It seems the ant version is pre 1.3. I checked 1.2, 1.1.2 and
> it must be older than these versions. The newer version is much faster
> and checks timestamps so see if compiles have to take place etc.
> I added to the prepare target
> <target name="prepare" depends="init">
>     <mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
>     <!-- help for UNIX build, ignored on Win -->
>     <chmod src="build.sh" perm="ugo+x"/>
>     <chmod src="bin/ant" perm="ugo+x"/>
>     <chmod src="bin/antRun" perm="ugo+x"/>
>     <chmod src="bin/odg" perm="ugo+x"/>
>     <chmod src="bin/oig" perm="ugo+x"/>
>     <chmod src="bin/ojvm" perm="ugo+x"/>
>     <chmod src="bin/opp" perm="ugo+x"/>
>     <chmod src="bin/ozone" perm="ugo+x"/>
>     <chmod src="bin/ozoneAdmin" perm="ugo+x"/>
>     <chmod src="bin/ozoneEnv" perm="ugo+x"/>
>     <chmod src="bin/ozoneInst" perm="ugo+x"/>
>     <chmod src="bin/ozoneStats" perm="ugo+x"/>
>     <chmod src="bin/subst" perm="ugo+x"/>
>   </target>
> This works great anyway on jdk 1.2 linux. sh build.sh and you're off.
> The next time just build.sh.
> The chmod in the ant version with ozone 1.0.1 doesn't have the includes
> or excludes attributes that could shorten this to one command.
> excludes="*.jar,*.bat,*.project" // not tested but this is the idea.
> Could the ant version be upgraded in this release and the chmod added to
> the build file?

We already have the new ant in ozone 1.1.x (HEAD branch in CVS). We should
only do bug fixes in the 1.0.x branch. New things should go into 1.1.x.

Falko Braeutigam                              mailto:falko@smb-tec.com
SMB GmbH                                        http://www.smb-tec.com