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Re: opp bug?

I'm sorry, I've misread the source. But something is causing a ClassCastException in the proxy...


On Saturday, December 9, 2000, at 07:25 PM, Andreas Monitzer wrote:

> Hi! 
> I'm trying to create a rather big project (a newsreader) using ozone. But I've 
> encountered something I think classifies as a (serious) bug. 
> I'm using the following code in a database object implementation 
> (m_ngGroups.getGroups() returns a org.ozoneDB.DxLib.DxHashMap): 
> 	public Collection getGroups() throws Exception { 
>             return m_ngGroups.getGroups().internalHashtable().values(); 
> 	} 
> The proxy that is generated looks like this: 
>    public java.util.Collection getGroups () throws java.lang.Exception { 
>       try { 
>          Object target = link.fetch (this, Lock.LEVEL_WRITE); 
>          if (target != null) { 
>             return (java.util.Collection)ResultConverter.substituteOzoneCompatibles 
> (((bbnet.communication.NewsServerImpl)target).getGroups()); 
>             } 
>          else { 
>             Object[] args = {}; 
>             Object result = link.invoke (this, 7, args, Lock.LEVEL_WRITE); 
>             return (java.util.Collection)result; 
>             } 
>          } 
>       catch (java.lang.Exception e) { 
>          e.fillInStackTrace(); 
>          throw e; 
>          } 
>       } 
> But the first "return"-line is wrong. '.internalHashtable().values()' is missing, 
> so the return type isn't java.util.Collection and a ClassCastException is raised. 
> It's easy to work around this problem by by using a local variable, but I've encountered 
> the same problem at another piece of code and can't find the part that opp doesn't like. 
> Either way, I'm very impressed about this database, keep up the good work! 
> andy 
> --  
> Description forthcoming. 

Description forthcoming.