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Examples XML


	My name is Ruben. I´m making my final thesis and I have thought that
Ozone can solve my problem.

	I´ve tried to use Store.java but I have problems. I can run ozone
with the version 0.3.2, but the examples with xml don't work. So I've tried
to use the files of the version 4 sources, and then I receive this message
when I run Store:

ozone is up and running...  ('q' to shutdown without admin tool)
warning: DbInvokeClient: unable to receive
warning: DbInvokeClient:
warning: InvokeServer: java.lang.NullPointerException

  	Does anybody know why? Is it possible to use both versions?

	I can't run ozone in the version 4 because the file ozone.jar
doesn't exist.

	I'ld thank when somebody could help me.

	Ruben Lainez