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Prowler XSP stuff


No to start of with I am using Cocoon 1.7.3

I store xml documents usingg Similar stuff like the Store eample. The first
confusion I have is that if that document needs to refer to an xsl file
which is stored in Ozone as well how do I specify that.

Second thing.. Right now I have a an XSP file which takes a src parameterin
the HTTP request which points to the xml file and invokes a pipeline of XSl
files through href.

Now how do I pass the Xsp file with a name of the document which knows how
to extract the document from ozone. Also how would i refer to the xsl files
if they are

1. stored in ozone
2. regular files. What is the relative path i need to use

I realize some of this stuff is in Prowler so an example of usage and other
details would be really useful.

I am attaching the current xsp usage with cocoon which does not have any
Ozone in it

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<?cocoon-process type="xsp"?> 
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="/ozone-list/05-2000/xsl/process.xsl"?> 
<?cocoon-process type="xslt"?>     
<!DOCTYPE pipeline SYSTEM "pipeline_1_0.dtd">



    String  xmlParam = request.getParameter("xml");
    boolean xml      = (xmlParam != null &amp;&amp;

    if (xml)
      <format type="text/xml"/> 
      <process type="xslt" href="/ozone-list/05-2000/./xsl/xwfi-doc.xsl"/>
      <format type="text/html" css="xwfi.css"/>



Regards & thanks in advance 
