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Re: ozone 0.4-dev2

On Tue, 01 Feb 2000, Chris Roffler wrote:
> >%_Falko,
> I am developing an OSS product myself and was looking for an OODBS for OSS. I found
> your product and I like what
> I see. I have some questions ...
> 1.  Does OZONE support object versioning , are there any plans for the future ?
Not yet. I (and maybe others) would like to see it in ozone but currently
no one works on object versioning. (help is always welcome ;)

> 2.  In the docs and examples I see that you are using RMI. Do you have a version of
> OZONE with rmi ?
>      I am using Voyager from ObjectSpace for the object distribution , that's the
> reason I can't use RMI

ozone combines both, persistence tier (DB) and distribution/middle tier (ORB).
However, it should be possible to use an ORB (Java RMI) on top of ozone (ozone
RMI). Why do you think this is not possible?

> 3. If you do not have a non RMI version, Is it possible to implement a  'event
> notification' mechanism with
>     OZONE ?  ( I am implementing a distributed MVC system )
Yes, this is possible. What kind of event do you have in mind?

Falko Braeutigam                         mailto:falko@softwarebuero.de
softwarebuero m&b (SMB)                    http://www.softwarebuero.de