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ozone 0.4 dev3

Hi all,

I've just uploaded the 0.4-dev3 release of ozone. It tooks me more time than
expected but now nearly all reported problems are fixed. It seems to be the
first real useable version of the new architecture. 

Plus I was able to optimize some hotspots: On a 400MHz linux box running jdk
1.2.2 RC1 ozone can access all 8630 DOM nodes (database objects) of test2.xml
(150k XML, 900k database) in 2.9s (cold) and 0.6s (warm)!

The changes list so far:

- Store/ObjectContainer: completely new interface of the store back-end;
      the old back-end of ozone 0.3 is now ClassicStore; WizardStore is
      a new implementation; both are available; both are configurable via

- LogWriter: supports different log levels and different log targets; both
      configurable via properties

- explicite transactions: class ExternalTransaction which implements
      javax.transaction.userTransaction has been added.  (scalability!)

- database connection pool: there is now one database connection (socket) per
      client thread that accesses the database; so the client threads run
      completely independent (except for object locks of course); this is
      also true for local database connections

- fixed bug in method cache:

- Transaction: transaction synchronization is now done in Transaction
      directly; so no container, which can be deactivated while waiting, get
      a Java lock; 

- Names: name handling code finished; 

- OzoneCompatible: this interface contains now only four methods that can be
      implemented by one line of code

- clusters: registering a container does no longer check each loaded cluster
      but always uses the default growing cluster
- XML: Xerces and Xalan are used as default parsers and formatters

- XML: DOMConverter and XMLRepository Interfaces and Implementations updated

Check it out!

Falko Braeutigam                         mailto:falko@softwarebuero.de
softwarebuero m&b (SMB)                    http://www.softwarebuero.de