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Re: XML/Convert.java


>Thu, 16 Mar 2000 Thomas Guettler wrote:
>>I just found Convert.java. It ist great. It is simply
>>interface for using ozone with enhydra.
>This sample does nothing then calling the convertNode() method from
>the DOM converter. Why do you think it is appropropriate as an
>Enhydra interface?

I liked it because it is much faster than working with proxy-objects.
For serializing a proxy DOM i needed 90sec. Serializing
the in memory representation needed 2sec. 

In Enhyda you use a precompiled dom-object, which you use
to add data taken from JDBC. The data you add is added for each
request. This means the changes to the DOM shouldn't get 

Currently I try to make the changes of the DOM on serverside.
I want to change the DOM with xslt and then serialize it.
But how can I return the result (plaintext xml) to the client?
I could use a bytearray like org.ozoneDB.xml.util.DOMConverter(),
but this method returns always null. 
Or, but I don't know if it is possible, I use an OutputStream to
get the result to the client.
Is it possible to have a OzoneObject with a memberfunction who
takes an OutputStream as argument? (Outputstream is not serializable)

