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Re: querying on hashtables holding hashtables and similar

> I get ClassCastExceptions thrown when attempting to work with OzoneObjects
> with private hashtable members that contain other hashtables. Which is to
> say that when I alter the innermost hashtables (hashtable.put) using 0.6.1,
> the exception is thrown. Does this mean that you're not intended to do
> something like this (e.g. hashtables containing hashtables, vectors, or
> other oddball container objects) or is this more in the way of a bug? If a
> feature [ :) ] it's certainly worth mentioning in the documentation in a
> prominant place -- I was pulling my hair out for a short time on this one.

This should be no problem. It doesn't matter if the member is 
private or not. But you should always take care what you put
in your hashtables: Ozone objects, i.e. OzoneProxy's, or plain
Jav objects.

Best Regards,

Gerd Mueller                                    gerd@smb-tec.com     
SMB GmbH                                  http://www.smb-tec.com