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Building Ozone from the source distribution, strange NullPointerExceptions reported by several people

Hi folks!
I think I have figured out what this NullPointerException in WizardStore is all about:
When I take the binary distribution along with jdk 1.3 rc1 I receive this exception. As someone else reported, this doesn't happen with jdk1.2.2.
Now, when I rebuild the database from the source using javac the exception goes away. But then again if I compile it using jikes, it reappears.
So I think, it has to do with the fact that JDK1.3 bytecode is not compatible with bytecode that was considered standard before jdk1.3 came along.
As a Windows user I had some trouble building the source distribution because it relies on make - a unix command. Make might be alright as long as you have it on your pc. But in fact most Windows users like me don't. So I spent some time figuring out how I could make it work on my windows machine and finally came accross cygwin, which seemed to have the commandset necesarry for this operation.
But once again it didn't work, because the buld script relied on a command that was unknown to me - jikes. Only by chance I found out what jikes actually was, downloaded it from alphaworks and installed it only to see that the build script still didn't work because of unix path-separators '/' mixed with windows path-separators '\'.
After that, I was fed up with make and tried a different approach: compiling each source directory individually using 'javac *.java'.
As I plodded along I was convinced that I would very soon end up with a working build of an open source odbms. But I should have known better...
Some sources didn't even compile because they relied on packages and classes that I could not find among the jar files that were included with the distribution.
After some time I found out that the classes that didn't compile and even whole packages around these classes do not make part of the current binary distribution (anymore). They must have remained in the source tree from some earlier build until now.
So I removed them and ... to my surprise it worked. Even this annoying NullPointerException simply vanished.
So now I'm able to use this real cool kind of software.
Since I don't want anybody else to go through all that again I included my Windows build script: (put it into the ozone root directory, attention: it does not generate the jar file)
rem the following lines have to be enabled if you are building with jikes
rem set JAVA_HOME=D:\java\jdk1.3
rem set JAVA_CLASSPATH=%JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\i18n.jar
rem set JAVA_CLASSPATH=%JAVA_CLASSPATH%;%JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\jaws.jar
set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%OZONE_HOME%\bin\gnu-regexp-1.0.8.jar
set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%OZONE_HOME%\bin\javaclass.jar
set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%OZONE_HOME%\bin\jta-spec1_0_1.jar
set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%OZONE_HOME%\bin\w3c-dom.jar
rem call castor in order to build org.ozoneDB.tools.opp.castor package
java org.exolab.castor.builder.SourceGenerator -i org/ozoneDB/tools/OPP/OzoneClassDescriptor.xsd -package org.ozoneDB.tools.OPP.castor
%JAVA_COMPILER% org\odmg\*.java
%JAVA_COMPILER% org\ozoneDB\*.java
%JAVA_COMPILER% org\ozoneDB\core\*.java
%JAVA_COMPILER% org\ozoneDB\core\DbRemote\*.java
%JAVA_COMPILER% org\ozoneDB\core\dr\*.java
%JAVA_COMPILER% org\ozoneDB\core\wizardStore\*.java
%JAVA_COMPILER% org\ozoneDB\DxLib\*.java
%JAVA_COMPILER% org\ozoneDB\DxLib\net\*.java
%JAVA_COMPILER% org\ozoneDB\odmg\*.java
%JAVA_COMPILER% org\ozoneDB\tools\*.java
%JAVA_COMPILER% org\ozoneDB\tools\opp\*.java
%JAVA_COMPILER% org\ozoneDB\util\*.java
%JAVA_COMPILER% org\ozoneDB\xa\*.java
%JAVA_COMPILER% org\ozoneDB\xml\*.java
%JAVA_COMPILER% org\ozoneDB\xml\dom\*.java
%JAVA_COMPILER% org\ozoneDB\xml\repository\*.java
%JAVA_COMPILER% org\ozoneDB\xml\util\*.java
In summary I would suggest the following improvements:
1. Simplify the build process for windows users
Yes, I know there is a build.bat included with the distribution but it should be in the root directory and it refers to openxml.jar which is not included with the distribution. Moreover, it doesn't build all the classes that make part of the binary distribution (OPP is not included for instance).
2. throw out java sources that are no longer needed and do not compile
org.ozoneDB.xml.test (I removed the whole package but I it might be possible that only a few files do not compile any more)
org.ozoneDB.core.classicMM (whole package)
org.ozoneDB.core.classicStore (whole package)
org.ozoneDB.core.monitor (whole package)
3. rely on standard tools that everybody has on his/her machine when JDK is installed
Don't use jikes by default.
4. Make two binary releases available for download. One for JDK1.3 and one for earlier versions.
5. include the complete javadoc in the source distribution or include a batch file for generating this javadoc
I hope this will avoid users getting frustrated with ozone.
So for now I'm quite happy with ozone although the odmg examples don't work on my pc.
Regards, Michael