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Re: OzoneAdmin on WinNT, can't add newuser

Mario Vackier wrote:
> Hi,
> I was trying to add a new user via OzoneAdmin on WinNT.
> The following method in org.ozoneDB.core.admin.AdminClient doesn't do
> what expected when I invoke
> ozoneAdmin newuser -name=kodak1 -id=102
> at the command-line.
> On NT the arguments are split into 5 parts
> (newuser,-name,kodak1,-id,102) instead of
> (newuser,-name=kodak1,-id=102).
> protected void newUser( String[] _args ) throws Exception {
>         String name = null;
>         int id = -1;
>         // check command line arguments
>         for (int i = 1; i < _args.length; i++) {
>             String arg = _args[i];
>             if (arg.startsWith( "-name=" )) {
>                 name = arg.substring( 6 );
>                 verboseOut.println ("name=" + name);
>             }
>             else  if (arg.startsWith( "-id=" )) {
>                 id = Integer.parseInt( arg.substring( 4 ) );
>                 verboseOut.println ("id=" + id);
>             }
>         }
>         try {
>             admin.newUser( name, id );
>         }
>         catch( UserManagerExc e ) {
>             out.println( "Unable to create new user: " + e.getMessage()
> );
>         }
>     }
> I have no idea and not much time (it's Friday you know, working is done)
> why it is splitting the tokens within a =-sign.
> Maybe you can replace the method (and the similar ones) so that the call
> style is.
> ozoneAdmin newuser -name kodak1 -id 102
> The code can then be something like this and then everything works fine
> with me.
> protected void newUser( String[] _args ) throws Exception {
>         String name = null;
>         int id = -1;
>         // check command line arguments
>                 int i = 1;
>                 while (i< _args.length) {
>                         String arg = _args[i++];
>             if (arg.equals( "-name" )) {
>                 name = _args[i++];
>                 verboseOut.println ("name=" + name);
>             }
>             else  if (arg.equals( "-id" )) {
>                 id = Integer.parseInt( _args[i++] );
>                 verboseOut.println ("id=" + id);
>             }
>         }
>         try {
>             admin.newUser( name, id );
>         }
>         catch( UserManagerExc e ) {
>             out.println( "Unable to create new user: " + e.getMessage()
> );
>         }
>     }
> Greetings
> Mario

I prefer this second type of command line parsing better as it allows
file completion to work at the command line for executables that take a
file or directory. There is also a GNU library to help parse command
lines but I haven't tried it. If the parsing was changed, commands would
look like the following:

ozone -d /path/to/my/objectbase

This would allow command line completion.

Eric :-)