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Request for experiences/advice

Hello All,

I am evaluating Ozone for use in a commercial 
product (a medical expert system for cancer pain 

Ideally, much of the logic would exist as Java 
middleware, and I am trying to avoid using an RDBMS 
on the back end (e.g. with a poor-man's Object-
Relational mapper).
An ODB would seem to make better use of 
development time in that persistence would occur 
more naturally.

My concerns are
	-fewer programmers in the U.S. with ODB skills
		(a concern for longevity and maintenance)
	-commercial systems are costly
	-I can't tell how mature and well-supported Ozone is

I would love to use Ozone since I think it's a 
great project.  However, I need to understand better 
the level of support before betting someone else's 
(my company's) resources on this.

Would anyone be so kind as to share their experience 
using Ozone in this way?
	e.g.	-Robustness/bugginess
		-Documentation (yes, I know, I know...)
		-Overall ability to "transparently" 
			integrate with development work
		-Performance (esp. with a LocalDatabase)

I would be happy to summarize if desired...did not see 
this issue addressed in a FAQ or Listserv.

Dave Kim

David K. Kim, MD                        david.kim@cynergygroup.com
Senior Vice President, Technology             voice (206) 855-8026
Cynergy Group                                   fax (206) 855-0851
"Bringing evidence-based clinical expertise to the point of care."