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RE: Prowler XSP stuff

If i just use the standard produer code in ozone samples and cerate an in
memory DOM to pass to coccon (since I need to get this going real fast) what
relative path does it use for the xsl files and dtd that it refers to
assuming the simple case that it is not in ozone

-----Original Message-----
From: Conny Krappatsch [mailto:conny@softwarebuero.de]
Sent: Monday, May 29, 2000 4:27 AM
To: ozone
Subject: Re: Prowler XSP stuff

> I store xml documents usingg Similar stuff like the Store eample. The
> confusion I have is that if that document needs to refer to an xsl file
> which is stored in Ozone as well how do I specify that.

Referencing stylesheets is a general problem not solved yet.
What you can try is using a the absolute URI of the stylesheet stored in
prowler, e.g.: 
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl"
where 'document:/0815' is the internal prowler reference of your stylesheet.
This is not tested and I would be interested in your results.

> Second thing.. Right now I have a an XSP file which takes a src
> the HTTP request which points to the xml file and invokes a pipeline of
> files through href.
> Now how do I pass the Xsp file with a name of the document which knows how
> to extract the document from ozone. Also how would i refer to the xsl
> if they are
> 1. stored in ozone
> 2. regular files. What is the relative path i need to use

1. I asume we are talking about 'stored in prowler'. The only way (for
now) accessing files directly is the prowler producer (see above).
2. The relative path should be the one given in the URL. In the example
the relative path would be 'your-document-root/infozone/'.

> I realize some of this stuff is in Prowler so an example of usage and
> details would be really useful.

Ops, I thougt we are talking about Prowler. Take a look at the Infozone
release, there are a Swing demo (samples/demo) which in my opinien is the
best way to find out what prowler can do for you and a XSP example
(samples/xsp) demonstrating the usage of the Prowler XSP tagset.


Conny Krappatsch                     conny@softwarebuero.de
softwarebuero m&b                    http://www.softwarebuero.de