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Re: Newbie wants to join

yduchesne wrote:
> At 10:45 AM 5/23/01 +0200, you wrote:
> Hi Falko,
> I'm glad my suggestion was received favorably. So I'm ready to start, and
> willing to manage that doc project. Could someone set up the environment
> for me (CVS)? I've looked for style-book on xml.apache.org; not there...
> Where can I get it?
I recommend Docbook XML with the XSLT stylesheets. The style sheets can
produce HTML/XHTML and also FO which can be turned into PDF with FOP
from apache. You can use Xalan/Xerces as well if you want to take the
all Java route. The tools don't work as good as the SGML/Jade route but
you'd have to try and see if they are good enough.

Stylesheets at 
http://nwalsh.com     or 

Hope this helps,