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Re: Front end

Falko Braeutigam wrote:
> > However, regardless of that program, I would be very interested in writing or helping write the
> > administrative front end. I have never used cvs and unfortunately though I am running dual boot, I
> > have not found a replacement for the win-only Kawa ide. I hope this will not be a problem, but I
> > will be trying to convert to Linux anyway.
> There are CVS front-ends for win too. Maybe someone here in the list has a
> pointer? Coverting to Linux is not a must. And, if the developers are working
> on different platforms, then the entire thing will also run on different
> platforms, which is of benefit for all.

Heres a mail from the Cocoon list. Maybe this helps finding a CVS client.

> Hi,
> Are you using some type of cvs client?

> I recomend you to go to www.cvshome.org to get one for your platform.
> If you are using Windows you would like to visit www.wincvs.org. They have a
> very nice cvs client for  windows. They have some docs and other links about
> cvs too.

> When you get your cvs client running you can configure it to get a branch
> called xml-cocoon2 this is done by calling cvs as stated in Cocoon site, if
> you are using cvs shell program.

> If you download a Gui-based cvs client, take a look at its docs to see how to
> configure it to get another  branch besides the default.

> I'm sorry if I'm very confusing. Let me know if you have some problem.

> I hope it helps.

Conny Krappatsch                     conny@softwarebuero.de
SMB GmbH                             http://www.softwarebuero.de