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RE: Problems starting ozone ?

Hi Falko,
I tried to recompile the whole but ...
I get the following error:
number of arguments in constructor.
        idTable = new DxDiskHashMap (env.dir + "ostab" + File.separator +
 idTableBufferSize, idTableCacheSize, idTableSubtableSize);
1 error

I downloaded the last release in cvs (it report 5 days ago), but I've the
same error.

I'm using the web interface to your cvs, and there is a problem also in
download :

"The requested URL
was not found on this server. "

-----Original Message-----
From: Falko Braeutigam [mailto:falko@smb-tec.com]
Sent: martedì 22 agosto 2000 3.27
To: ozone-users@ozone-db.org
Subject: RE: Problems starting ozone ?

On Tue, 22 Aug 2000, Zucca Mario wrote:
> Hi Falko,
> Now I'm back on-line.
> In the <ozone db> there is a ostab directory with a lot of files:2400 , is
> it OK ?
> There is a file named tab.rootTable (1k) and the others are named tab.*
> 5k each one, the total size of the directory is about 18 Mb.
Yes, this is OK.

The ostab dir contains the object ID table. ozone uses a DxDiskHashtable,
in fact is a B-tree, for this. The sub-tables of the B-tree have 255 entries
(8bit). Therefore there are many small files.

BTW: There is a new version of the DiskHashtable in CVS that supports
sub-table sizes. The CVS version of ozone uses now 11/10 bit sub-tables,
reduces the number of files by a factor of 6. Besides, the new DiskHashtable
compresses sub-tables before storing on disk, which reduces the size of the
ostab dir by a factor of 6. ;)

Anyway, your ostab version produces many small files. This is ok. This
not cause the problems you reported.

> I can't understand why ozone is unable to open the object ID table. I'm
> working on Windows 2000 server and Java 1.3 from Sun
I've checked in a new version of
that displays not only the "no valid id table found" message but also the
exception that was thrown. Please compile CVS version (or use attached file
your 0.5.5 source tree) and start server with option -debug and send the

Falko Braeutigam                              mailto:falko@smb-tec.com
SMB GmbH                                        http://www.smb-tec.com