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Re: permission denied, no such user?

D. David Pirzadeh wrote:
> on the line  Car car = (Car)db.createObject
> ("DE.softwarebuero.ozone.doc.tutorial.CarImpl", 0, "my_first_car");
> I get permission denied, no such user, and yet I don't see anywhere where I
> have
> logged in as a user.

The ozone authentication is based on the authentication of the underlaying
OS. That means the client side code loggs you in with your system user name.
Say you are user "ddp" on a unix system. Then you must add "ddp" as a
database user. This is done with the ozoneAdmin or ozoneAdminTerm programs.
To use the admin tools you have to start the server first. 
To built more complex permissions systems you can use user groups - similar
to unix user groups. But the actual ozone user groups have nothing to do the
actual unix groups on the system.

Falko Braeutigam                         mailto:falko@softwarebuero.de
softwarebuero m&b (SMB)                    http://www.softwarebuero.de