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Re: copyObject()

On Tue, 25 Jan 2000, you wrote:
> Hi,
> i'm trying to use the copyObject() for clone a
> persistent object.
> I tried to change the 'simple' example in this way:
> ....
> Auto dadix = (Auto) db.copyObject( auto );
> dadix.setAge( new Integer(916));
> dadix.print();
> auto.print();
> ....
> The output is:
> Auto: Ford,916 (dadix)
> Auto: Ford,916 (auto)
> The object still be the same. There i did something
> wrong? or there is a bug?

I've tested this with the following, slightly enhanced, code from the "simple"

--- Client.java -------------------------------
   public static void main (String[] args) throws Exception {
       RemoteDatabase db = new RemoteDatabase();
       db.open ("localhost", 3333);
       System.out.println ("connected...");
       Auto auto = (Auto)db.objectForName ("auto");
       if (auto == null)
           auto = (Auto)db.createObject (AutoImpl.class.getName(), Database.Private, "auto");
       // doSomething() returns the database object itself. However, in the
       // client we get a proper proxy object.
       Auto auto2 = (Auto)auto.doSomthing (auto);

       System.out.println ("auto:" + auto);
       auto.setAge (new Integer(3));
       System.out.println ("auto.setAge (3)");
       // auto and auto2 are proxies of the same object.
       System.out.println ("auto2:" + auto2);
       Auto copy = (Auto)db.copyObject (auto);
       copy.setAge (new Integer(100));
       System.out.println ("\nauto:" + auto);
       System.out.println ("copy:" + copy);

       db.deleteObject (auto);
       System.out.println ("deconnected...");

I get the following output:

auto:Auto:Ford, 0
auto2:Auto:Ford, 3

auto:Auto:Ford, 3
copy:Auto:Ford, 100

Which is correct. I did only test with my current development version. Please
check the above code with 0.3.3.

Falko Braeutigam                         mailto:falko@softwarebuero.de
softwarebuero m&b (SMB)                    http://www.softwarebuero.de