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Re: prowler demo

> I created a simple root-doc:
> <root> </root>
> which contains a even simpler file: <doc> </doc>
> The xsp-examples resolves this to a link to the prowler-producer, 
> but if i follow this link i get:
> Not Found
> The requested URL /cocoon was not found on this server.
> Does any of the xsp-developers know why I don't get my document, 
> when I follow this link?

For most of the testing I use Jetty. Jetty can associate a URL with a leading
´cocoon´ to the Cocoon - Servlet. I don´t think Apache can do this (or am I
Take a  look at pureXML.xsl. There is a template with ´match="xlink"´. These are
the commands which construct the link. If you change the leading ´/cocoon´ in
the ´href´ attribute of the ´a´ element to ´/servlets/cocoon´ (where ´servlets´
is the name of the servlet zone Cocoon is installed in) or to ´/virtual.xml´
(or any other filename with trailing ´.xml´) so that Apache directs the request
to Cocoon the link should work.

Conny Krappatsch                     conny@softwarebuero.de
softwarebuero m&b                    http://www.softwarebuero.de