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Re: bug in importNode?

Hello Lars, 

>> becomes
>>     <LINK MANAGER/>

> This is your generated XML output without DOM conversion? Strange, b/c
> it's no valid XML syntax.

yep, it is not

if i do

      converter.convertDOM(nodeList.item(i), null,
                           "org.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl"), true));

i get the correct result, but

   result_element.appendChild(doc.importNode(nodeList.item(i), true));

gives me the invalid result.

btw, i´m using ozone-0.5dev3

> Is it possible to have a look at your sources

at the moment i cannot access to the sources, but if you
like, i could give you the full cocoon processor next week.

> Currently all stored XML documents and nodes get public read and write
> permissions.

hmmm... maybe i´m doing something wrong, but i cannot access XML documents
stored by another user e.g. if i store the test.xml as user niess and
try to access it from cocoon which runs as user www-data i get
permission denied error unless i patch checkReadPermission in 
UserManager class to return true for all users.


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