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Re: omquery.jar is missing from ozoneenv.bat

Falko Braeutigam wrote:
> Yes, I see your point. But on th other hand, adding new JARs to the ozoneEnv
> script by hand will cause such problems again and again. And, on Linux
> dynamically generation of the CLASSPATH has been perfectly working for months
> now. So personally I would prefer a dynamic version.

The castor guys uses the following construct:


  (1) @echo off
  (2) REM $Id: build.bat,v 1.6 2000/05/16 22:39:44 maucherat Exp $
  (3) set JAVA=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java
  (4) set cp=
  (5) for %%i in (lib\*.jar) do call cp.bat %%i
  (6) set CP=build\classes;%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar;%CP%
  (7) %JAVA% -classpath %CP% -Dant.home=lib org.apache.tools.ant.Main %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 -buildfile src/build.xml


  (1) set CP=%CP%;%1

Note the 'call cp.bat %%i' in line (5) of  build.bat. This way is 
portable also to 95/98.

Best regards,

* Andreas Kasparz - andy@interface-business.de - +49 351 31809 0       *
* Interface-Business GmbH, Tolkewitzer Str. 49, 01277 Dresden, Germany *