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Re: I hate to ask...

On Tue, 16 May 2000, Timothy Reaves wrote:

>     I've seen this question asked - in a few different forms - before.
> I hate to ask again, but need an update.  I'm supposed to be talking to
> our tech group (in house) tomorrow, so any and all information is going
> to be helpful.  Thanks.
>     We're interested in using Ozone for XML storage and access.  How
> stable is Ozone at the moment?  I would gather from what I've read that
> it's o.k., but can someone provide me with something like ' my system is
> handles x requests per minute, has been running for x hours, and has not
> crashed'?

i have never experianced ozone crashing and never have to "restart"
i had some problems with setting up.
i am using ozone as storage for xml documents in cocoon.

>     How often have people experienced Ozone crashing?  If and when it
> has, could you determine what caused the crash?

I tryed to run with the ibmjkd1.3(Linux) but it didn't work .neither did cocoon.
i remember it had to do with something wih Threads

>     Could anyone provide me with why they feel it is better to use Ozone
> to store and access XML files over file system storage, where each XML
> files is it's own filesystem file, and  read in and parsed when needed?

performance (since the dom is stored and not the source)
fast query's

i currently have a poll running (a simple xml file that contains polls + answers + answer count)
i dont have to worry about loading and saving the file.
i can just perform a Xpath query modify the right node
after that i convert the database dom to a memory dom and pass it to cocoon.

if i wans't using the database i would have to load the xml file to a dom
perform the Xpathquery change  the values and than save it. Now happends when 2 users try to poll at once etc etc.

de database is/wil be able to perform checks
- i know the document in the database are wel formed
- i can give rights
-using XpathQuery's over te (to come) repository i wil be able to maintain constitency (witch documents have a link to this files)

>     I really do appreciate anyone's time in answering.

Those are just my feelings
Kees Jongenburger